Site Features

Whatever you need to manage your book, we can do. We do not outsource our lines, which means we have full in-house control of all the feeds and everything that goes on the board, what it follows, and how it looks. Just talk to us about what you need, and our team of experts can make it happen. Setup is very fast and efficient, so you can be running in no time


We also consider discretion a paramount virtue. When your players call into our center, all they need is their player ID (usually 4 or 6 characters), and a simple password. We never ask for names or email addresses, or other contact information. We will not call your players unsolicited, or otherwise invade their privacy for any reason, nor do we allow your sub-agents to circumvent you and signup with us directly

Empowering Solutions

Specializing in transforming innovative concepts into efficient platform solutions for businesses.